The boys together
When were we not together?
could we ever find time to make or write anything?
yet we DID
were an extreme cohort
not even a teamMore like
during a competition that rattled back and forth the pre-adolescent years
Eight pages!!
☞ (I don’t know
what the community center staff thought of us but they let us
think whatever we thought of ourselves)☜
✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳
to ten (no noticeable improvement in taste)☜
But when somebody got a treat, all would take turns at the straw
That’s what you call friends
Yeah, yeah—point granted—some teachers were great, but I don’t
And world lit? Whatever lined my parents’ shelves
This poem was published as one of six poems in issue #2 of Ranger magazine.
Andy Oram
September 10, 2020
More poems